大众 开迪
一汽-大众为了宣传开迪可谓颇费心机,特别值得一提的是第一次邀请成龙作为开迪的形象代言人。 但是残酷的市场现实给一汽-大众公司以沉重的打击,2005年开迪车的销量仅有1455辆,市场反应冷淡。开迪的疲软还导致了经销商的抱怨,一汽-大众公司引以为自豪的PQ35平台基本处于半停工状态,大批临时工全部辞退,员工的收入水平下降,广大员工怨声载道。
VW Caddy
Faw-Volkswagen introduced Caddy into China in 2005, following the Shanghai-Volkswagen introduction Touran. Faw-volkswagen introduced Caddy for two purposes: first, to maximize the use production line of the Golf MK4 . Golf MK4 and Cady are based on the same PQ35 platform. As a hatchback car, Golf has not achieved the expected sales volume in the Chinese market, resulting in a large amount of idle production capacity. The second is to seize the Chinese MPV market segment to create another profit growth point. At that time, the sales of FAW-Volkswagen (not inclould Audi) depended on the Jetta (Jetta a2) introduced in 1994 and Bora (Jetta a4) introduced in 2001. However, the profits of these two models were not high.
Faw-volkswagen has great lengths to promote Caddy, notably inviting Jackie Chan to be the spokesperson for the first time. However, the cruel market reality dealt a heavy blow to FAW-Volkswagen. In 2005, the sales volume of Caddy was only 1,455, and the market was indifferent it. The Faw-volkswagen also got abattery of complaints from dealers. The PQ35 platform, which FAW-Volkswagen is proud of, is basically in a half production, a large number of temporary workers have been dismissed, the income level of employees has declined, and the majority of employees have complained.
Shooting in December 2022!
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