福特金牛座 第三代
在1986年石油危机期间,福特为了与销量节节攀升日系车对抗,以第四代LTD为基础设计了第一代金牛座。从1986年发布到1991年第一代金牛座停产,该车型销量约为两百万辆;福特在1991年推出了第二代福特金牛座,直至1995年停产,第二代福特金牛座销量约为140万辆。为了取得更多的销量,福特高层在设计第三代金牛座时采用了时任设计副总裁Jack Telnack制定了“New Edge”设计风格。 Jack Telnack先生的设计有两大特点,一是缩小甚至取消前格栅、另一个就是让线条与圆弧相交产生柔软的感觉;但是很遗憾,消费者并不买账,这一代金牛座在1996至1999期间销量只有大约40万!
btw:Jack Telnack还设计了1979 Ford Mustang、1983 Ford Thunderbird、1984 Ford Tempo、1986 Mercury Sable、1994 Lincoln Mark VII
Ford Taurus Gen3
During the Oil-Crisis in 1986, Ford designed the first generation Taurus based on the fourth generation LTD in order to fight against Japanese cars. From it released in 1986 to discontinued in 1991, the sales volume of this model was about 2 million. Ford introduced the second generation Taurus in 1991 and discontinued it in 1995, the sales volume about 1.4 million . In order to achieve more sales, Ford adopted the "New Edge" design style developed by Jack Telnack. Two major features of his design, one is to reduce or even cancel the front grille, and the other is to make lines and arcs intersect to create a soft feeling. Unfortunately, consumers didn't buy it, and only about four hundred thousand units were sold this generation from 1996 to 1999! Shooting in January 2014!
btw:Jack Telnack also designed 1979 Ford Mustang、1983 Ford Thunderbird、1984 Ford Tempo、1986 Mercury Sable、1994 Lincoln Mark VII
左前\Left front
左后\Left rear