捷豹 XJ40
在二战后经济高速复苏的背景下,人们对于汽车的追求已经不再是一个简单的代步工具,捷豹公司的创始人William Lyons 敏锐地觉察到了这一需求并决定生产一款大型运动轿车。该项目代号为XJ4,其中的XJ来自于“E x permental J aguar”这一词组,最终在1968年9月推出了量产版车型-XJ6。XJ6在性价比与高性能方面的表现堪称捷豹汽车的表率,其中4.2升车型的发售价格仅为2258英镑。XJ6第一代-第一型 (Series I )最终于1973年停产,总产量为98527辆。此时的捷豹已经有了全新XJ的样车,但是由于1973年爆发的石油危机导致市场疲软和捷豹母公司利兰汽车的国有化问题,该车没能上市生产,捷豹也不得不的开始生产第一代-第二型 ( Series II )。直到1986年的英国国际车展上,新一代XJ才正式露面。第二代XJ就是XJ40,该系列车型上市后立即获得了成功,并于1989年创下了年产39000辆的新记录。
Jaguar XJ40
In the background of rapid economic recovery after World War II, people's pursuit of a car is no longer play a role of transportation tool. William Lyons,the founder of Jaguar company keenly aware of this and decided to produce a large sports car. Codenamed XJ4, the XJ from the "E x permental J aguar" the project culminated in the production of the XJ6 in September 1968. The XJ6 is a leading Jaguar in terms of value for money and performance, with a 4.2 litre model just £2,258. The first generation-Series I of the XJ6, , was finally discontinued in 1973 with a total production of 98,527.
At this time, Jaguar had already had a prototype of the new XJ, but due to the weak market caused by the oil crisis in 1973 and the nationalization of Jaguar's parent company Leland Motors, the car could not be production, and Jaguar had to start production of the first generation-Series II. It wasn't until the 1986 British International Automobile Show that the new XJ was officially unveiled. The second generation XJ was the XJ40, and the series was success, reaching a data that producetion of 39,000 units in 1989.
Shooting in November 2013!
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右后\Right rear