马自达在2007年发布了旗下首款独立研发suv产品CX-7,三年之后一汽马自达正式将CX-7进口到跟中国销售,售价为28.9万和29.08万。2013年7月,长安马自达发布了CX-5,该车一经发售便一炮而红,到2013年底单月销量最高时曾达到5984辆。如此之高的销量自然也令一汽马自达“眼红”起来,此时的一汽马自达旗下只有马自达6、睿翼、马自达8 三款车。可是这三款车里除了04年就引进的马6销量还好以外,两外两款车销量都不怎么好。最终,经过协商一汽马自达也拿到了cx4的平台,但是远水解不了近渴,于是一汽直接从马自达北美工厂买了CX-7的全套生产线。经过一年的安装调试,马自达在2017年8月发布国产CX-7,售价19.98-27.38万元。这个价格和CRV、RAV4、途观在一条线上。但是此时的市场正是途观“独领风骚”的年代(2014年1月销量达到了24282辆),这样一款小众品牌的过时产品根本掀不起任何的风浪。再加上一汽马自达进行产品升级,最终在2016年上半年停产(同时停产的还有所有老平台的产品-马自达6、睿翼、马自达8)

Mazda CX-7
In 2007, Mazda launched first independent development suv CX-7. Three years later, FAW-Mazda imported the CX-7 at 289,000 yuan and 290,800 yuan. In July 2013, Changan-Mazda released the CX-5, which became an instant hit, selling 5,984 units in a single month at its peak by the end of 2013. Such high sales data makes FAW-Mazda "jealous up", FAW-Mazda only have Mazda 6\RuiYI(MAZDA 6 GEN 2)\Mazda 8 three cars at this time. However, the sales of these three cars are not good except for Mazda 6, which was introduced in 2004. Finally, after negotiation, FAW-Mazda also got the CX4 platform, but the distant hydrolysis could not satisfy the near thirst, so FAW-Mazda directly bought the CX-7 production line from Mazda North American factory. After a year of installation and debugging, FAW-Mazda released the domestically produced CX-7 in August 2017, priced from 199,800-273,800 yuan. This price is in the same line with CRV, RAV4 and Tiguan. However, at this time, the market is in the "dominant age" of Tiguan (the sales unit in January 2014 got 24,282 ), and such an outdated product of a niche brand can not raise any waves at all. In addition to FAW-Mazda product upgrade, the production was discontinued in the first half of 2016 (along with all the old platform car- Mazda 6, RuiYi ,Mazda 8).
Shooting in August 2022!

btw:In 2000, Mazda and Ford development together on SUV products, which Ford called "Maverick" and Mazda called "Tribute"


左前\Left front

左后\Left rear