南京菲亚特 派力奥周末风(NJ7152)
1985年国家有关部门出于对原有的轻型(客)车换代的考虑,对世界各国的相关生产厂商进行了考察,其中就包括意大利的菲亚特集团旗下的依维柯。1986年中意双方达成了关于生产依维柯的技术转让协议,1991年依维柯生产线正式建成。在客车领域站稳脚跟后南京跃进开始了向小轿车领域进军,1995年,南京跃进汽车集团公司与马来西亚金狮集团(The Lion Group)合资成立跃进农用车有限公司(后更名为江苏南亚自动车有限公司)生产南京英格尔轿车。

1999年4月,南京跃进汽车公司与意大利菲亚特汽车公司于成立南京-菲亚特汽车有限公司,该公司于2002年1月发布第一款车型-派力奥,1年后的2003年6月南京菲亚特公司开始销售派力奥周末风。在初期,该车有三款车型,分别是el 1.5l mt 售价11.19万、el-x 1.5l mt 售价12.19万、speedgear 1.3l e-cvt 售价14.29万。但是因为此时的消费者不能接受旅行车这种车型,所以该车型于2006年停产(南京菲亚特集团于2007年宣告破产)。
拍摄于2021年2月 !


Nanjing-Fiat Palio weekend(NJ7152)
In 1985, in order to replac the too old middle weight passenger and cargo cars, the government departments carried out an investigation on the relevant manufacturers around the world, including Iveco, a subsidiary of Italy's Fiat Group. In 1986, China and Italy reached a technology transfer agreement on Iveco production, and the Iveco production line was formally established in 1991. After got a firm foothold in the passenger car field, Nanjing Yuejin began to march to the family car field. In 1995, Nanjing Yuejin Automobile Group and The Lion Group(Malaysia) jointly established Yuejin Agricultural Vehicle Company. (later renamed Jiangsu Nanya Motor Corporation,自动车 is the Simplified chinese spelling of japanese world 自動車(automobile))

In April 1999,Nanjing yuejin automobile company and Italy fiat automobile company established Nanjing-Fiat automobile company,the company launched first model - Palio in January 2002. One year later, in June 2003,nanjing fiat company began to sell Palio weekendend. At the beginning, there were three models, the EL 1.5L MT is 111,900 Yuan (about 13.52 thousan USD), the EL-X 1.5L MT is 121,900 Yuan (about 14.74 thousand USD), and the Speedgear 1.3L E-CVT is 142,900 Yuan (about 17.27 thousand USD). However, the station wagon was not be accepted to consumers at the time, so it was discontinued in 2006 (Nanjing-Fiat Group declared bankruptcy in 2007).
Shooting in Feb 2021 !

btw:Qingdao Municipal Public Security Bureau purchased some this car used as patrol car in 2004


左前\Left front

左后\Left rear

青岛巡逻车\Qingdao Patrol car

2003 广州车展\2003 Guangzhou Automotive Exhibition