现代 雅科仕 JS350
在1985年现代汽车用Pony叩开了美国市场市场并向世界各地出口Pony、Stella、Pony Excel、Presto等多种车型之后,现代汽车正式踏上了“成为全球汽车品牌”的征程。而在这个征程中“向上走”是则成了其不得不夸跨去的一道门槛,现代汽车考虑到自身技术上和生产上的经验有限,因此选择与三菱汽车达成合作协议。在之后的日子里现代相继推出了第一代现代Grandeur(君爵)LX、第二代现代Grandeur(君爵)XG和现代

1999年,现代第一款D级轿车-第一代现代雅科仕JS350\JL350发布,该车型韩国取名为Equus(excellent quality unique univeraal superme),中文译名雅科仕。该车根据三菱Proudia以及该车的长轴距版三菱Dignity的技术改进而来。该车曾经在2001年纽约国际车展展出,但最终并没有真正登陆北美的市场。其主要的市场在韩国本土和东亚。也曾经少量出口欧洲,冠名为Centennial。

Hyundai Equus JS350
After Hyundai knock open the U.S. market In 1985 with Pony and exported Pony, Stella, Pony Excel, Presto and other models around the world, Hyundai officially embarked on the journey of "becoming a global car brand." In this journey, "going up" is a doorsill that it has to cross, Hyundai chose to reach a cooperation agreement with Mitsubishi after considering its limited experience in technology and production. In the following days, Hyundai introduced the first generation of Grandeur LX、the second generation of Grandeur XG and Hyundai Dynasty three C-Class sedans.

In 1999, Hyundai's first D-class sedan - the first generation of Hyundai Equus JS350\JL350 was released, Equus meanning "Excellent Quality Unique Univeraal Supermea". The car was based on the Mitsubishi Proudia and the Mitsubishi Dignity. The car was shown at the 2001 New York International Auto Show, but never sold to North American market. Its main markets are South Korea and East Asia. It was also exported to Europe under the name Centennial.
Shooting in July 2023!

左前\Front left

右后\Right rear