雷诺e诺是东风雷诺在2019年在中国发售的一款小型纯电动suv,它的原型车就是海外市场的雷诺kz-e。这款车本身没什么好说的,6.68万的售价、271公里的续航和同价位的国产车相比完全没有任何优势,导致这款车的销量是十分的惨淡。不过,值得一提的是东风汽车的“套娃”操作。东风和雷诺为了实现利益最大化,将这款车换了五套“车标”,分别挂上东风新能源EX1\EX1 Pro(续航里程不同)、东风风行T1 EV、东风风光E1、东风启辰e30、达契亚 spring 的标志来售卖,官方称其为“一车多品、委托加工、统一研发设计管理、多渠道销售的模式”,并且东风和雷诺合资的易捷特系能源汽车还在为达契亚 Spring 代工。虽然换标车、套娃车在国内外并不鲜见,不过一车换六标这种操作应该也是全球车企里面仅有的一份!


2022年7月18日东风新能源发布纳米box,该车就是ex1 pro 的换壳版本,两车除了续航里程相差10公里以外没有任何差别(纳米Box-331km、EX1 Pro-321km)

Renualt KZ-E
Renault E-诺(诺 souds like “nau”) is a small-size electric SUV which launched by Dongfeng-Renault in 2019. the prototype is the Renault K-ZE . There is nothing to say about this car , the price of 66,800 yuan and the range just 271 kilometers lead it have no any advantage compared with domestic car at the same price level, resulting in a very poor sales volume of this car. However, it is worth mentioning some Dongfeng "Doll Operation". In order to got maximize earings, Dongfeng and Renault sets six logo to this, Dongfeng-New energy EX1,\EX1 Pro(different Battery life), Dongfeng-Fengxing T1 EV, Dongfeng-Fengguang E1, Dongfeng-Venucia e30,Daica Spring logo , officially calling as "a car many products, commissioned processing, unified research and development , multi-channel sale model",and Dongfeng-Renault joint venture e-GT New energy vehicles factory are still make Dacia Spring through OEM model. Although the “Matryoshka-Dolls car” is not uncommon at China and World, but a car for four logos should be the only one of the global car enterprises!
Shooting in March 2022!

btw: Dongfeng New-energy belong to Dongchuangzilian Technology Company,Dongchuangzilian is a full-holding company of Dongfeng Hongtai, Dongfeng Hongtai is 87% holding company of Dongfeng Motor, Dongfeng Fengxing belong to Dongfeng-Liu Qi Au(Liuzhou), Dongfeng Fengguang belong to Dongfeng Xiaokang (Chongqing), Dongfeng Venucia belong to Dongfeng-Nissan

On July 18, 2022, Dongfeng-New energy released the NanometerBox, the car is the "shell change" version of EX1 Pro, two cars out of the range of 10 kilometers without any difference(NanometerBox-331km、EX1 Pro-321km)


左前\Left front

左后\Left rear

Any Difference ?