我曾经在2017年拍到过一辆隶属于北京市急救中心的帕萨特B5.5 救护车,对于这辆车的来源北京的汽车爱好者们一直有多种猜测 。直到最近,Weibo用户“JiangCH_T2”通过对于江泽民主席访德的纪录片进行分析才最终确认了这辆车的来源。
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In 2017, I shot a Passat wagon ambulance in beijing which belongto the Beijing Emergency Medical Center, and there has much speculation about the vehicle's origin. until recently . finally,i identify the source of the car by the post of Weibo user JiangCH_T2" who analysis a documentary about Present Jiang's visit to Germany in 2002.
For English users, you can read my brief and translation (copyright belongs to Weibo user JiangCH_T2) :
In 2002 ,Present Jiang visited Germany from April 8 to 13. On April 12, he visited Volkswagen accompany center with Gabriel-the premier of Lower Saxony, and was warmly welcomed by the President of Volkswagen Pierci and other employees.
In the documentary, the motorcade pulled up near a Passat B5.5 wagon ambulance which with a paper on the side that wrote "Geschenk der VW AG an ein Krankenhaus in Peking" (a gift from Volkswagen to a Beijing hospital). Afterwards, the two sides carried out the handover ceremony of the car gift and took a group photo.
However, there are some differences between the Passat B5.5 wagon ambulance shown in the documentary and the one in Beijing. The vehicle in the documentary was modified based on a low-level vehicle, while the one in Beijing is a high-level vehicle. The documentary's car printed "NOTARZT" which is ambulance in German and the Beijing's car printed "EMERGENCY" in English.
It seems that the car for the photo shoot was not delivered later. It was probably a similar ambulance that Volkswagen had improvised from the special vehicles department as a prop for the car giveaway session during the visit.
拍摄于2017年2月!\Shooting in February 2017!